

How To Fix Your Contact Centre Onboarding Process So You Keep Great Talent

by Sirius People

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That perpetually revolving contact centre door.

Does your company have one?

If you do, you're not alone. Not by a long shot! 

Securing reliable staff who are loyal and will stay is one of the biggest challenges contact centre managers face. With staff turnover costing contact centres over $11,500 per staff member, it's no wonder managers like yourself are scratching their heads about how to address this costly problem. In our experience, the answers lie in... your onboarding process.

The Stats

ACA Research conducted a study of the contact centre industry and found that 40 per cent of contact centre employees had been in their current role for less than one year. But a third of those surveyed had been working in a similar contact centre role for more than four years. 

These numbers show that employees were happy with the nature of their work — just not the company they were working for.

How Can Onboarding Help?

If done in the right way, the onboarding process is an essential employee engagement tool.

It can improve your:

  • New hire retention rate

  • New hire performance

  • Overall team culture

  • Customer satisfaction

So what makes a good onboarding process? We've narrowed down how to cut back on time, costs and improve ROI in our step-by-step guide to onboarding your new contact centre staff. It's a handy roadmap for the first four weeks of your new hire's employment. Download your copy of The Ultimate Guide To Onboarding and RETAINING Your Best Contact Centre Staff here.

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